teen girl smiles with ceramic braces on teeth

Dental Braces Treatment For Kids Near Me

treat this child with braces

Searching for orthodontic treatment for your child’s teeth is something that many parents will face.

That is likely why you typed “dental braces treatment for kids near me” into Google.

How do you know who is the best?

Where will your kids get the treatment that is most effective for them?

The great news is that the Calgary orthodontist scene is large and varied. You will find an orthodontist in Calgary where you feel comfortable with the doctor, the solutions provided and the care you receive.

So, how do you pick?

You could ask your family dentist who they recommend.

You could ask friends and family if they like the orthodontist they have seen.

You could Google orthodontic offices near you and read the reviews that are posted.

dental braces treatment for kids near me

The surest way to know you have found a great orthodontist in Calgary, is to go and meet a few of them.

None of the orthodontists require a referral from your dentist to come in. Anyone can see any orthodontist in the city.

Like in every profession, each doctor will have a different way of doing things and treating people.

You can find an office that feels like home. A place where you are treated with kindness and respect and given all the time you need to ask questions and make decisions.

There should never be any pressure to get going right this minute, and you should feel fully informed about treatment options, pricing, payment plans, and ideal timing of care.


Types of Braces


Metal Braces

traditional braces

Traditional metal braces have been around for well over one hundred years. They consist of small metal braces that are glued onto the teeth. A metal wire connects the braces and moves them into a straighter position.


Ceramic Braces

LightForce braces

Clear braces are generally made of ceramic. They work exactly the same as metal braces except they are not metal. Some people like the look of ceramic braces as they are more subtle on the teeth.

Keep in mind that although they are tooth coloured, clear braces are larger in size on the tooth because ceramic is not as strong as metal.


Lingual Braces

braces hidden behind your smile

Braces that are on the tongue-side of the teeth are called lingual braces. They are made of metal and still work the same way as the other types of braces.


Family Braces

In Calgary, you will hear about family braces all of the time. We consider family braces to be braces that can be used for the whole family.

One of the great things about orthodontic treatment is that it can be done at any age. Everyone in the family can have straight teeth and a great bite.


Wearing Braces

Braces are put on teeth if the top or bottom teeth have bite problems or are crooked.

Permanent teeth or adult teeth are the most likely to have braces glued to them. Baby teeth can be moved with braces, but this is rarely necessary.


Do Braces Hurt?

Some discomfort can be expected with braces. The mouth and jaw are involved, and most patients will have an adjustment period when things don’t feel great.

We use the Dental Pain Eraser to help with discomfort, but soft foods that require less chewing, cold foods, Tylenol and Advil also work to help patients cope.

Most patients begin to feel much better by the second week. Every child is different, so check with your children to see what they need.

Dental braces treatment for kids near you is easy to find.


Early Orthodontic Treatment

child needing braces

Early orthodontic treatment means doing some teeth correction before all of the adult teeth are present in the mouth.

This early treatment is only recommended when there are problems involving teeth and/or bones that can not be fixed in older orthodontic patients.

We consider early orthodontic intervention to be in children ages 7-10. It is impossible to do complete treatment at this age, so teen treatment options will need to be presented at age 12-14 for all of these children.

Early correction of bite issues can turn complex cases into easy ones.


Early Bite Correction

underbites early correction

Oral appliances may be needed at a young age for certain types of bites.

Underbites most often require early orthodontic treatment. Oral health can be compromised if an underbite is not corrected early.

Gum disease is more common, as are crooked teeth and jaws that look out of balance with the rest of the face.

You should take your little one in for a free consultation if they have an underbite or any teeth that are biting on the wrong side of the other teeth.


Space Maintainers

lower holding arch

Sometimes a child has lost baby teeth earlier than ideal due to tooth decay or crooked teeth.

Baby teeth are responsible for holding space in the mouth for the adult teeth to grow in (nature’s space maintainer). If they are not present to do their job, the other teeth move around to take up the space and a bigger problem is created.

Dental professionals need to place a custom made oral appliance to stop this from happening. 

This will result in a more healthy smile when the time comes for full treatment.


Traditional Braces

Traditional metal braces are just that, traditional. They are considered the analog of orthodontics – as opposed to the digital world of Invisalign and LightForce braces.

Although there is nothing wrong with traditional metal braces, orthodontic treatment has evolved a lot over the last 30 years and there are many, more hi-tech options available.

At your initial consultation, be sure to ask about what new advances the office is using.


Permanent Teeth

child to teen smile

Permanent teeth are your adult teeth. These are the teeth that will create your beautiful smile. 

When we talk about oral health, we are talking about your teeth and soft tissues.

Treatments like getting braces to put your teeth into the desired position, are designed with the teeth you will have as a teenager in mind.

Whether it’s braces or Invisalign, metal brackets or ceramic ones, your smile and jaw position will be expertly corrected for your oral health and self esteem.


Dentistry and Orthodontics

Orthodontics is a specialized area of dentistry. It involves only the movement of teeth and jaws for children and adults.

Your dentist provides dentistry for kids and adults. This involves all aspects of your child’s teeth and gums, such as check-ups, cavities, cleanings, and tooth removal.

Your dentist may provide Invisalign treatments for kids and adults. However, these treatments are not being provided with specialist knowledge and training.

As a family, you will have to decide whether or not you want the capabilities of an orthodontic specialist.


Dental Braces Treatment For Kids 

Near Me

we accept all insurance plans


Straight Teeth at Impact Orthodontics

With no hidden fees, a stress free, warm and caring environment, treatment at Impact Orthodontics couldn’t be easier.

We would love to meet you and your kids to discuss their smiles and whether Invisalign or braces is better for them.

X rays are included for free in the new patient exam and we will send them along to your general dentist so they do not need to retake them.

Kids are our passion and we look forward to meeting yours so we can help their smile be the best it can be.

You can book your free new patient exam (no referral needed) by calling or texting us at 403-256-7797 or booking online.

See you soon!

Learn more about Orthodontics from some of our other articles!

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