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What is a Gummy Smile?

A gummy smile is when your smile shows too much gum tissue above the top teeth. It may result from small teeth, late eruption, gum disease, or gapped or crowded teeth. While gummy smiles are not typically a cause for concern, they can be a source of discomfort and low self-esteem for kids, teens, and adults. Luckily, there is a solution! We’ll evaluate your smile to determine if Invisalign treatment can work for you!

Associated Concerns


Invisalign has proven to be effective in eliminating the look of a gummy smile, especially in younger patients. While the effectiveness of the treatment is determined on a case-by-case basis, we are confident in our ability to help you find a solution.

Growth Assessments

Our growth assessments are available free of charge to help monitor the development of your child’s teeth. If a gummy smile is detected during one of our regular assessments, we can get started on a treatment plan right away.

Dental Monitoring

If Invisalign will be an effective gummy smile treatment for you, we ensure a seamless process. Through the Dental Monitoring app, we offer virtual consultations and communication throughout your treatment to reduce the number of in-office visits.

We Care About Your Kids Like Our Own

Calgary orthodontists for kids
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No Referrals

No Referrals Needed

You don’t need a referral from a dentist for orthodontic treatment. Simply book an appointment online or over the phone to meet us face-to-face, or request a quote using our online form and follow the instructions for taking pictures. We can’t wait to meet you!
braces cost Calgary


Transparent Pricing

At Impact Orthodontics, we pride ourselves on comprehensive education and transparent pricing. We ensure you always know what treatment we plan to do, why we want to do it, and exactly how much it will cost. We guarantee no surprises.
orthodontist calgary


Virtual Consultations

We want to make your experience with us as convenient as possible, which is why we can provide you with the information you need to proceed confidently with orthodontic treatment virtually. We also offer virtual check-ins throughout the treatment to minimize the number of office visits.
gummy smiles treatment


Tailored Treatments

Based on our assessments and evaluation, we will explain in detail what/if any treatment is needed, what our plan is to implement it, how long it will take, and how much it will cost. Every aspect of the treatment plan is tailored to your needs.

The treatment for a gummy smile depends on the cause or the condition. Sometimes orthodontic treatment is required, other times you simply require gum re-contouring by your dentist. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to reduce the appearance of a gummy smile.

The cause of a gummy smile can be having too much gum tissue. Alternatively, a gummy smile may be related to the position of your upper jaw or the result of small teeth or a short upper lip. 

Healthy gums appear firm and pink rather than swollen and red. Your gums should not bleed when you floss or brush or appear to pull away from the teeth. Maintaining gum health comes down to brushing twice each day, flossing, using mouthwash, and regularly visiting the dentist.

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