Mom with her two daughters wanting orthodontic braces treatment

Orthodontic Braces Treatment: Unlocking Your Child’s Perfect Smile

Dental model wearing traditional metal braces


Every parent dreams of giving their child the best start in life, and a healthy, confident smile is a big part of that. When it comes to orthodontic braces treatment, knowing when to seek consultation and why it’s essential can make all the difference. Ceramic braces are a great choice for individuals who prioritize esthetics due to their near-seamless look and ability to blend with teeth. Let’s dive into why Impact Orthodontics in Calgary, AB, should be your go-to for ensuring those pearly whites grow in perfectly aligned.


The Right Time for a Consultation: Catching the Curve Early


Girl waiting for races consultation


Think of your child’s dental health as a garden. Just like you wouldn’t wait for a weed to become a tree before pulling it out, you shouldn’t wait for severe orthodontic issues before seeking a professional opinion. The Canadian Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontic consultation by age seven. This early check allows for timely intervention, potentially saving time and complexity later on. Early orthodontic treatment is crucial in ensuring long-term oral health for children by identifying and addressing potential issues early.


Early Signs and Symptoms


Patient getting checked to see if braces or Invisalign is needed


You might be wondering, “What are the signs that my child needs an orthodontic consultation?” Here are some early indicators:


  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • Difficulty in chewing or biting
  • Mouth breathing
  • Thumb sucking beyond the age of five
  • Crowded, misplaced, or blocked-out teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Jaws that shift or make sounds
  • Biting the cheek or roof of the mouth
  • Teeth that meet abnormally or not at all
  • Jaws and teeth that are not in proportion to the rest of the face


Spotting these signs early can pave the way for timely intervention. Addressing these issues sooner rather than later can lead to a more straightforward and effective treatment process.


Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early consultation brings numerous benefits. It helps in guiding jaw growth, lowering the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth, correcting harmful oral habits, and improving appearance and self-esteem. Furthermore, it can guide permanent teeth into a more favorable position, which can lead to less complex treatment in the future.


Practical Tip: Schedule an appointment with Impact Orthodontics for an early assessment. Early detection can simplify treatment and ensure better outcomes.


Why Choose Impact Orthodontics? A Community Trusted Ally

family orthodontics clinic in Calgary, Alberta logo with 2 orthodontists


Choosing the right orthodontist is crucial. Impact Orthodontics stands out not just for our expertise but also for our community-focused approach. Located conveniently in SE and SW Calgary, we have built our reputation on trust, quality care, and exceptional results. Our friendly, welcoming environment puts both kids and parents at ease, making each visit a positive experience.


Expertise and Experience


At Impact Orthodontics, we pride ourselves on having a team of highly skilled professionals who stay abreast of the latest advancements in orthodontic care. Our lead orthodontists, Dr. Jennifer Smith and Dr. Dena Sawchuk, has years of experience in treating various orthodontic issues with precision and care. Drs. Smith and Sawchuk completed an additional 3 years of full-time specialized training after 4 years of dental school to become experts in orthodontics. Our team is committed to continuous learning and uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure our patients receive the best care possible.


The Importance of Alignment: Beyond Just Aesthetics


Kid smiling with straight teeth after orthodontic treatment


Orthodontic braces treatment is about much more than a beautiful smile. Misaligned teeth can lead to a lot of issues, including difficulty chewing, speech problems, and increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. By correcting these problems early, braces not only enhance appearance but also contribute significantly to overall oral health.

Dental braces play a crucial role in straightening teeth for a wide range of orthodontic issues.


Health Implications of Crooked Teeth


Crowded or crooked teeth can make cleaning more difficult, leading to plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease. Misaligned teeth can also cause abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, leading to chewing and digestion problems. In some cases, it can even lead to jaw pain and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Braces are often used to correct problems with upper and lower teeth, including overcrowded or crooked teeth.

Psychological Benefits


Family support for orthodontic braces treatment


A beautiful, well-aligned smile can do wonders for a child’s self-esteem and social interactions. Children with straight teeth are often more confident and willing to engage in social activities. This boost in confidence can have a lasting impact, shaping their interactions and experiences well into adulthood.


Practical Tip:

Regular dental check-ups and following your orthodontist’s advice can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems.


Invisalign: The Clear Choice for Modern Orthodontics


Dental model wearing Invisalign


In today’s fast-paced world, aesthetics and comfort are more important than ever. Invisalign offers a clear, nearly invisible alternative to traditional braces. These custom-made aligners are not only effective but also allow your child to maintain their natural look throughout the treatment process. At Impact Orthodontics, we specialize in providing Invisalign solutions tailored to each patient’s unique needs.


Another discreet option for those who prioritize aesthetics is lingual braces. These braces are placed on the back surfaces of the teeth, making them almost invisible.


How Invisalign Works


Invisalign is a series of clear, removable aligners that are custom-made for your child’s teeth. These aligners gradually move the teeth into their desired positions. The aligners are changed every one to two weeks, depending on the treatment plan prescribed by the orthodontist.


Benefits of Invisalign


Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, making them a popular choice among children and teenagers who may feel self-conscious about wearing traditional braces.

They are also removable, allowing for easier cleaning and maintenance of oral hygiene. Additionally, Invisalign aligners are comfortable and less likely to cause irritation to the gums and cheeks compared to traditional braces.


Statistic: Studies show that 96% of Invisalign patients are satisfied with their treatment results, appreciating the blend of comfort and effectiveness.



“Invisalign aligners are a game-changer in orthodontics, especially for kids and teens who are self-conscious about their appearance.” – Dr. Jennifer Smith, Orthodontist.


Impact Orthodontics: Your Partner in Perfect Smiles


Main orthodontists at Impact Orthodontics


At Impact Orthodontics, we pride ourselves on being more than just a dental practice. We are a part of the Calgary community, committed to making a positive impact on every patient’s life. Our state-of-the-art facilities and highly trained staff ensure that each visit is productive, comfortable, and tailored to your child’s specific needs.


Advanced Technology


We utilize the latest technology in orthodontic care, including digital impressions, 3D imaging, and computer-guided treatment planning. This allows us to provide precise and efficient treatment, reducing discomfort and treatment times for our patients.


Comprehensive Services


Boy in patient chair getting metal braces


In addition to traditional braces and Invisalign, we offer a range of orthodontic treatments to address various dental issues. One of these modern treatments is self-ligating braces, which minimize friction and provide more comfort. Whether it’s early intervention for younger children or complex treatments for teenagers, our comprehensive services ensure that we can meet all your orthodontic needs.


Patient-Centered Approach


Our patient-centered approach means that we involve you and your child in every step of the treatment process. We provide detailed explanations and are always available to answer any questions you may have. Our goal is to make the orthodontic journey as smooth and stress-free as possible.


Practical Tip: Explore our website Impact Orthodontics to learn more about our services and schedule an appointment online for convenience.


Conclusion: Invest in Your Child’s Future with Impact Orthodontics


Mom with her two daughters wanting orthodontic braces treatment


Choosing the right orthodontic treatment can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be.

With early consultations, a focus on alignment, and modern solutions like Invisalign, Impact Orthodontics is your trusted partner in Calgary for creating healthy, beautiful smiles. Remember, a confident smile is a lifelong gift—make sure your child gets the best start with Impact Orthodontics.


Inspiring Message: A perfect smile is not just about aesthetics; it’s about confidence, health, and happiness. Let Impact Orthodontics guide your child to their best smile, ensuring a brighter future one smile at a time.


Additional Tips for Parents: Making the Most of Orthodontic Treatment


Young boy in patient chair to get traditional metal braces.


Preparing Your Child for Their First Orthodontic Visit


The first orthodontic visit can be a bit daunting for children. To make the experience smoother, here are some tips:


  • Talk Positively: Explain to your child that the orthodontist is a friend who will help make their teeth strong and beautiful.
  • Role-Play: Play a game of “dentist” at home to familiarize them with the process.
  • Read Books: There are many children’s books about visiting the dentist or orthodontist that can help ease anxiety.
  • Comfort Item: Allow your child to bring a favourite toy or blanket to the appointment.


Practical Tip: Reinforce the idea that orthodontic visits are a positive experience, and celebrate each step of the process.


Maintaining Oral Hygiene with Braces


Boy wearing traditional metal braces for orthodontic treatment


Proper oral hygiene is crucial when your child has braces. Maintaining oral hygiene while they wear braces is essential to prevent dental issues. Here are some tips to help:


  • Brushing: Encourage your child to brush their teeth after every meal. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Flossing: Flossing can be challenging with braces, but it’s essential. Use floss threaders or orthodontic flossers to make the process easier.
  • Rinsing: An antimicrobial mouthwash can help reduce plaque buildup and prevent cavities.
  • Diet: Be sure to avoid sticky, sugary, or hard foods that can damage braces and increase the risk of cavities


For more information or to book an appointment contact us at, Impact Orthodontics.

Learn more about Orthodontics from some of our other articles!

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