girl with braces in alberta

How Much Are Braces In Alberta?

braces cost varies across the province of alberta


If you are considering braces for yourself or your child, you likely have questions about how much braces cost.


It would be great if there were one simple answer, but there is not.


How much are braces depends on your location in Alberta. The cost of braces will vary depending on the appliance needed, the length of time in treatment, and the difficulty of that treatment.


Let’s start with the Alberta Dental Fee Guide


It is likely that every orthodontist in Alberta follows the Alberta Dental Fee Guide for their fees. 

The reason we can say this is that the fee guide provides a range.


cost of braces in Alberta according to the fee guide


The chart above shows the range of costs for treatment in the permanent teeth (all adult teeth present) and the mixed dentition (baby teeth and adult teeth present in the mouth).


As you can see, the range is quite large. The exact cost of braces for you or your child can only be determined by seeing you or your child at an orthodontic practice.


A new patient exam or consultation will give you all of the information you need about the cost of braces so that you can decide if you would like to proceed.


The New Patient Consultation – What To Expect


family braces typically means complete braces for the entire family


A good orthodontic office will provide you with an abundance of information at the new patient appointment.


They will have you fill out health forms, take some photos of your face and teeth, a 3D scan of your teeth and any xrays that are needed.


The doctor will then look at this information and determine if treatment is recommended and when it should happen.


They will present treatment options to you – usually braces or clear aligners, explain all of the pros and cons of each system and answer all of your questions.


They will tell you the exact costs, help you with insurance (if you have it) and government funding (if you qualify) and discuss payment plan options.


You will leave the office with a package of information (paper or digital) that you can review and refer to as needed.


Most custom braces and clear aligners take about 1 month to be manufactured, so your next appointment will be about 1 month later to receive your appliance.


Who Is Braces For?


certain orthodontic problems can be fixed with family braces

  • Anyone wanting straighter teeth
  • Anyone with an uncomfortable bite
  • Anyone with chipping, cracking, or wear on their teeth due to how their teeth bite together
  • Anyone with an overbite, underbite, or crossbite
  • Anyone that wants a nicer smile
  • Anyone that wants better facial balance
  • Anyone with sleep apnea that is wanting correction
  • Anyone that is curious about if their teeth or bite can be improved
  • Research shows us that 85% of children would benefit from orthodontic treatment


Choosing The Right Orthodontist


dental insurance will help with the cost of braces for the entire family


Most communities in Alberta have many orthodontists to choose from.


So, how do you pick the right one for your family’s braces?


The good news is that you do not require a referral to see an orthodontist in Alberta. This means that you can talk to friends and family, look at online reviews, and visit as many orthodontists as you want until you find the right fit.


Your relationship with your orthodontist is a long one, so be sure you feel very well taken care of and are happy with the level of service you received at that first visit.


Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you decide:

  1. Was everyone I interacted with friendly and helpful?
  2. Were all of my questions answered?
  3. Did I feel rushed or pressured to make a decision?
  4. Do I feel like I fully understand what they want to do and why it should be done?
  5. Do I feel like they cared about me and heard what I needed to say?
  6. Was the experience enjoyable or more like a transaction?
  7. Do I want to spend more time with these people?

Here are some questions you can ask the orthodontic office to help you decide?

  1. Do you offer multiple treatment options so that I can pick the one that is best suited to my child?
  2. Do you offer braces and clear aligners (Invisalign treatment) for all orthodontic treatment?
  3. Do braces and clear aligners cost the same?
  4. How do you monitor my child to ensure they are being compliant and the plan is going well?
  5. How do you keep my child comfortable so they do not have to worry about pain during treatment?
  6. How often do I have to come in for appointments?
  7. Do you have flexible payment plans and will you help me with my insurance coverage?
  8. (If you qualify) Do you participate in all government funding programs (ADSC, NIHB, OMDS, CDIP, FSCD) and will you help me get coverage?
  9. Will there ever be additional fees?
  10. What is your guarantee?
  11. Are retainers included in the fees?


Orthodontic Treatment


metal braces cost the same as ceramic braces cost


The words metal brackets are often used when talking about braces treatment. You can use those words interchangeably.


Traditional Metal Braces


Traditional metal braces have been around for more than 100 years and used to be the only way that we moved teeth around. These braces straighten crooked teeth by using metal wires to move teeth to the desired position.


If you speak to anyone that has had traditional metal braces, they will often say that braces hurt. That no longer has to be the case. There are tools available that make orthodontic treatment very comfortable.


At Impact Orthodontics in Calgary, we use the Dental Pain Eraser to provide the most comfortable orthodontic treatments in Calgary.


Ceramic Braces


Ceramic braces, or clear braces, work the same way as traditional metal braces, they are just clear. Like traditional braces, they are glued on to the teeth and metal wires move the adult and baby teeth into a beautiful smile.


Not everyone should use ceramic material as it can be damaging to fragile teeth.


Lingual Braces


Lingual braces are just like metal brackets and ceramic braces, they are just glued on to the tongue side of the teeth so they are completely hidden. Many adults like this idea, but we advise you seek an expert opinion as they can be cost prohibitive.


This type of treatment is the most expensive braces type and the cost can be too much for the treatment needed.


Invisalign (and all other clear aligners like Angel, Spark, 



braces treatment can be with clear plastic


Invisalign is the most famous clear aligner brand, but many companies make clear aligners. Instead of metal wires, like traditional metal braces use, clear aligners use plastic to move the teeth.


Misaligned teeth does not mean getting braces for everyone. Not all orthodontic problems require braces. In fact, almost 100% of orthodontic treatment can be done with Invisalign or another brand of aligners.


The treatment cost is usually the same, and you end up with straight teeth and a beautiful smile both ways.




A discussion of braces and their associated costs would not be complete without talking about retainers After your new smile has been created, retainers will hold those gorgeous teeth in place.


Typically, retainers last for 1-5 years, so it is an ongoing cost for as long as you would like your teeth to remain straight.


Don’t forget to ask about retainer costs. They are important for all treatment but are even more so for complex cases.


Orthodontic Treatment Costs | How Much Are Braces?


Orthodontic treatment, whether in metal braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, traditional braces, clear braces, or Invisalign, requires an orthodontic assessment in order to provide accurate fees.


How much do braces cost depends on how long it will take for you to get straight teeth, what the treatment plan is, how complex the case is, and where you live.


We make braces affordable by keeping our orthodontic fees within the Alberta Dental Fee 

Guide, direct billing your insurance provider, communicating with your insurance company, providing flexible payment plans, having no hidden fees, and offering multiple financing options.


Canadian Dental Association


The Canadian Dental Association recommends proper alignment treatment


The Canadian dental association recommends every child see an orthodontist by the age of 7.


Getting braces can be very affordable and your new smile is just around the corner.


Does Insurance Cover Treatment?


Typically, your insurance company either offers you an orthodontic benefit or not. If you have orthodontic coverage it is usually a lifetime amount and often has an age limit.


Your insurance company does not get to decide whether you get braces or clear aligners. The coverage is the same, meaning, treatment to get the smile you’ve always wanted, is either covered or it is not.


Your regular dental insurance will often cover the cost of replacement retainers.


Why Choose Impact Ortho To Find Out “How Much Are Braces In Alberta?”


your financial situation should not impede your ability to get braces in Alberta


If you live in Calgary and are curious about how much braces are in Alberta, come on in for a new patient exam. We do all treatment with braces and Invisalign so patients have the most choice.


We provide the most comfortable orthodontic experience in Calgary and are happy to walk you through how much braces cost. We offer transparent pricing and flexible payment arrangements.


Treatment cost is affordable for all families and we work with all government funding programs if you require assistance.


Crooked teeth to straight teeth can change your life.


You can book your consultation directly on our website or call or text us at 403-256-7797. With 2 locations to serve you, we happily provide treatment to Calgary and surrounding areas.


Come in and discover the Impact Ortho difference today!!

Learn more about Orthodontics from some of our other articles!

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